The Council of Europe (CoE) is Europe’s leading inter-governmental human rights organization working with its 46 member states to strengthen human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
Zonta International has been represented at the Council of Europe since 1983 and is one of the 400 international nongovernmental organizations enjoying participatory status at the Conference of INGOs, the body representing civil society in the CoE.
As part of the Conference, the CoE Committee contributes to the work of the inter-governmental committees, to the elaboration process of treaties and policy lines. As an example: a few years ago, a Zonta member lead the INGO team that provided input to the draft of the Istanbul Convention. The CoE Committee’s priority is to train Zonta members around the world on Zonta’s strong position at the CoE and to promote relevant instruments and treaties as tools for members, clubs and districts to advocate knowledgeably and effectively for the rights of women and girls.
The committee especially highlights the Istanbul Convention (CoE Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence) and the Anti-Trafficking Convention (CoE Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings), which are also accessible by non-European countries. It underlines the global dimension and relevance of the CoE and creates advocacy tools for the Zonta Says NO to Violence against Women campaign.
Read more key facts on the CoE.
Meet the CoE Committee.