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Zonta at the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CoE) is Europe’s leading inter-governmental human rights organization working with its 46 member states to strengthen human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

Zonta International has been represented at the Council of Europe since 1983 and is one of the 400 international nongovernmental organizations enjoying participatory status at the Conference of INGOs, the body representing civil society in the CoE.

As part of the Conference, the CoE Committee contributes to the work of the inter-governmental committees, to the elaboration process of treaties and policy lines. As an example: a few years ago, a Zonta member lead the INGO team that provided input to the draft of the Istanbul Convention. The CoE Committee’s priority is to train Zonta members around the world on Zonta’s strong position at the CoE and to promote relevant instruments and treaties as tools for members, clubs and districts to advocate knowledgeably and effectively for the rights of women and girls.

The committee especially highlights the Istanbul Convention (CoE Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence) and the Anti-Trafficking Convention (CoE Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings), which are also accessible by non-European countries. It underlines the global dimension and relevance of the CoE and creates advocacy tools for the Zonta Says NO to Violence against Women campaign.

Read more key facts on the CoE.

Meet the CoE Committee.

INGOs of the COE: Gender equality is a Human Rights issue

Posted on 11/17/2023
The roundtable session provided a platform for discussion and exchange of competencies. The participants stressed the necessity and renewed the statement.

GREVIO publishes General Recommendation

Posted on 12/14/2021
In monitoring the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, GREVIO has identified that the digital dimension of violence against women is often overlooked in domestic laws and policies.

Zonta commemorates 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention signing

Posted on 5/11/2021
The Istanbul Convention, adopted on this day in 2011, is the global gold standard for addressing violence against women and domestic violence and has proven to be a highly effective tool which generates positive changes.

Zonta reaffirms support for The CoE Istanbul Convention

Posted on 4/5/2021
Zonta International is greatly concerned by the news that several countries have indicated their intent to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention precisely at a time when it is needed most.

A renewed call for ratification of the CoE Istanbul Convention

Posted on 9/3/2020
These unique and challenging circumstances call for a coordinated and holistic response to preventing and combating violence against women. Therefore, Zonta is renewing the call for ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

GREVIO publishes 1st General Activity Report

Posted on 4/7/2020
The Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) is the most far-reaching and legally binding international treaty to tackle this serious violation of human rights.

GREVIO president on need to uphold Istanbul Convention standards

Posted on 3/24/2020
As the lockdown continues around the world to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of domestic violence intensifies as the restrictions on movement offers abusers additional power and control.

The Conference of INGOs at the CoE adopts recommendation on Equality

Posted on 10/31/2019
In view of the recent setbacks and push backs in women’s rights, the Conference of INGOs felt the urgent need to request the organs of the Council of Europe and the members States to take all measures to preserve the existing achievements in the fiel

CoE adopts first-ever international legal instrument to stop sexism

Posted on 3/28/2019
States should step up their fight against sexism in all walks of life, according to a Recommendation just adopted by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers.

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